Learning to Grow

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Personal growth and development to me used to mean nothing until my association changed. To start, I never knew what it meant to grow myself personally. I always considered myself self-aware of right and wrong and doing the best I could in life and that was it. I’m sure many of you can relate. It was what I knew growing up, it was what I was taught in school, and it was how I started my adult life. In 2016 all that I knew was challenged and I’ve never looked back since.

98% of people are in a fixed mindset stage and only 2% are in a growth mindset stage. I know reading this you might be thinking, those are pretty significant percentages. Yes, they are! But think about it for a second. We are programmed to think one way. According to John D. Rockefeller he said “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” I challenge you to let that sit in for a while.

Do I have your attention now? Are the wheels in your brain starting to hurt. Mine did and what made it easier was my association. My association challenged me to read books, surround myself with people who have walked the path I want my life to look like 10 to 15 years from now and ask them to show me how. They also encouraged me to find my why in life because once you know why you are doing what you’re doing then everything will make perfect sense.  In school we were programmed not to ask “Why.” Today I encourage you to find your why and starting questioning where your life is going, question why you are doing what you’re doing, and start asking yourself why. Embrace the inner child in you that always asked your parents “why, why, why, why?”

I hope this starts your journey on personal growth and development.

“Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.” ―Morihei Ueshiba

By Athena Cochrane, VP of Operations, Bookkeeper & Business Development

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